  Fire Safety Services  
Designing Fire Safety System

We design Fire safety systems of all applilcations from simple Kitchen safety systems to fire safety systems for resorts, buildings, fuel storage areas etc. We have the knowledge, high-rise experience and professionalism to ensure that all our designs comply to international standards.



Fire equipment inspections

As you must be aware, we are living in an atmosphere in high saline condition. This being one of the biggest adversaries of our valuable fire equipment, it is an absolute must to take proper care of them through regular inspections, to keep them in readily usable condition should an un favorable circumstance of fire occur. Our engineers will ensure this through regular inspections.

  Fire equipment servicing
and refilling center

It is an international rule that all fire equipment be serviced or refilled where necessary by a certified party at least once every year, as a measure to further strength the safety means. We maintain a government certified Fire Equipment Service Centre, with the latest technology and a team of dedicated technicians who will cater for the servicing of all types of fire equipment. Alarms Pte Ltd is the first company to establish such a center and have vast experience and special equipment in servicing all major fire equipments.

  Fire safety inspections
To the eye of the normal person, we may be living in a risk free environment. However, this will not be the case if the same environment is seen through an expert eye, with a view towards fire safety.
There will be many different risks in our everyday life…risks that can be avoided easily. Negligence and ignorance about these risks may lead to a fire and its inevitable destructive aftermath.
Our team of engineers will regularly inspect all the structures with meticulous care, to help you maintain a high degree of safety in the areas where fire risks are concerned.

  Fire Emergency Procedure
Mass confusion is the prime factor associated with mishandling of all fires. Hence it is very essential that a proper fire emergency procedure is established in which each member of the staff is assigned to a specific task and trained for this so that the fire fighting operation runs smoothly without people getting in each others’ way.
Our fire engineers will design a custom-made fire emergency procedure for your premises to ensure smooth operation in such a circumstance.
  Fire Drill
Once the emergency procedure is established, fire drills will be conducted regularly to keep the staff always through with the procedure.

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