
Fire Suppression Systems



Co2 is a colourless, dry and inert gas. Co2 Vapourises after extinguishing a fire and leaves no residue. It is non-conductive to electricity and non corrosive so it is most suitable for protection of electrical and electronic equipment. Co2 is readily available standard gas this makes it the most cost effective gas extinguishing system. The extinguishing effect is achieved by displacement of oxygen so that the atmosphere is incapable of supporting combustion. Typical applications are electrical substations, flammable liquids storage and engine rooms.
  System Design
Co2 fire extinguishing system is designed and installed according to NFPA1 2.

Co2 system consists of one or more cylinders which are connected to a distribution pipe and discharge nozzles. The system is designed to activate either by manual or automatic operation. Automatic activation is with detection of smoke and heat detectors thereby sending a signal to the control panel. The control panel wired to the actuator of the Co2 system will send an electrical current to actuate the system thereby releasing Co2 gas.
Co2 system can be used in total flooding application or local application. Local application consists of an array of nozzles placed so that the discharge covers the entire hazard, the hazard can be without enclosure walls. The quantity of Co2 gas is determined from the area or volume of the hazard and the duration of discharge. In total flooding Co2 gas is discharge into an enclosed space or enclosure around the hazard. For total flooding system minimum Co2 concentration must be achieved to ensure effective extinguishing of fires. For deep seated electrical fire hazard NFPA 12 recommends 50% concentration of Co2 gas, the quantity of Co2 gas can he calculated using a concentration factor of 1 .33kg/m&. Flow calculations will be provided for each system to ensure correct pipe sizing and discharge time. It is essential to ensure design concentration is achieved by shutting down all ventilation and automatic closing of openings.

  System Components 1. Heat detector
    2. Smoke Detector.
    3. Discharge Nozzle.
4. Fire Curtain (For Louvre Door/Opening)
    5. Co2 Cylinder.
    6. Alarm Bell.
    7. Key Switch.
    8. Control Panel.
    9 . Normal / Discharge Light.
    10. Pilot Cylinder c/w Solenoid Valve.
    11. Safety Plug.
    12. Piping Manifold.
    13. Flexible Hose.
    14. Discharge Hose c/w Check Valve.
    15. Manual Pull Station.
  Co2 System Setup Type A With solenoid Actuated Pilot Cylinder
Item Part No. Description
1 CO2001-KV-450-RD 45Kg Co2 Cylinder >Diagram
2 CO2003BR Co2 K Valve >Diagram
3 CO2005-RB-015-BK

1/2" X 18" Discharge hose with check valve>Diagram

4 CO2058-RM-300-BK Pilot loop 1/4"-300mm >Diagram
5 CO2054-CS-22-KVS Pilot cylinder with Solenoid valve 2.2kg > Diagram
6 C02014-BR-003-NA Vent bleed valve 1/8" BSP
7 C02069-BR-020-NA Safety valve 3/4" BSP
  Co2 System Setup Type B With Pyrocharge Actuation
Item Part No. Description
1 CO2001-KV-450-RD 45Kg Co2 cylinder
2 CO2003-BR Co2 K Valve
3 CO2005-RB-015-BK 1/2" X 18" Discharge hose with Check valve
4 CO2058-RM-300-BK Pilot loop 1/4"-300mm
5 CO2058-RM-360-BK Pilot loop 1/4"-360mm
6 CO2002-SF-1 Pyrocharge 24VDC
7 CO2019-SH-015-ZP Tee Connector
8 CO2024-CS-003-NA 1/8" Plug
9 CO2014-BR-003-NA Vent bleed valve1/8" BSP
10 CO2069-BR-020-NA Safety valve 3/4" BSP
  Co2 System Setup Type C Solenoid Actuation At Master Cylinder
Item Part No. Description
1 CO2001 -KV-450-RD 45Kg Co2 Cylinder
2 CO2003-BR Co2 K Valve
3 CO2005-RB-015-BK 1/2" X 18" Discharge hose with Check valve
4 CO2058-RM-300-BK Pilot loop 1/4"-300mm
5 CO2003-AD6112 Solenoid valve
6 CO2014-BR-003-NA Vent bleed valve 1/8" BSP
7 CO2069-BR-020-NA Safety valve 3/4" BSP
  Weight Monitoring Systems
This device is used to automatically monitor the contents of the Co2 cylinder. When the Co2 gas falls the indicator on the device will show that it is empty and an optional micro-switch can be installed to send a signal to the control panel. This is the most effective methods of monitoring the Co2 gas in the cylinder.

Co2 multijet
Discharge Nozzle

< Click to view image >
  Manual Pull Box < Click to view image >

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