.fire product  




With the phase out of the most commonly used but ozone damaging Halon 1301 fire suppressant, two classes of replacement agents — inert gases and halocarbons — are becoming globally acceptable alternatives.
Proven safety for people, property and the environment were natural requirements in addition to the desirable properties of effectiveness, cleanliness and zero secondary damage.
Inert gases are the best choice for extinguishing agents as they extinguish fires by oxygen depletion by lowering the normal oxygen concentration in the air from 21% to about 12%, below the limit required for combustion whilst still providing a safe and breathable atmosphere.
The composition of naturally occurring gases of inertec55 is a preferred choice as it provides users with all the advantages of an internationally accredited and environmentally friendly protection solution without the high costs of traditional implementation of equivalents.

The Natural Solution

The Montreal Protocol in 1987* and more recently, the Kyoto Protocol** of 2005 required that in addition to protecting lives and properties from fire, safeguarding the environment now plays an equally important role in the development of today’s fire suppression agents. As a result, SRI introduced the inertec55 fire suppression system which meets all the three objectives of a responsible and modern fire protection system;
inertec55 is a gaseous clean fire suppressant comprised of 50% nitrogen and 50% argon, all of which are naturally accruing gases. As inertec55 is derived from gases present in the atmosphere, it exhibits no ozone depleting potential, does not contribute to global warming, nor does it contribute unique chemical species with extended atmospheric lifetimes. Because inertec55 is totally composed of atmospheric gases, it does not pose the problems of toxicity associated with the chemically derived Halon alternatives.
inertec55 fire suppression systems are developed to meet and exceed international standards and have been approved by SCHADENVERHUTUNG.

  Protecting Life
Although early warning detection systems normally allow people to evacuate the protected area well before any kind of fire suppression agent is discharged, any number of unforeseen circumstances may prevent immediate escape. This is why it is important that your fire suppression agent be safe to use in automatic total flooding systems for possible and normally occupied areas.

Almost all fires are extinguished at the oxygen concentration level of below 15%. inertec55 fire suppression systems reduces the oxygen concentration to around 12.5% to 10.5%, a level which is acceptable to human exposure over short periods of time.

One of the advantages of the inertec55 fire suppression agent is that it won’t produce a fog, so that occupants are not visibly impaired on the way to the exit. Furthermore, the inertec55 fire suppressant is non-toxic, and more importantly, it will not break down into toxic or corrosive decomposition by products. Halocarbon alternative agents can create dangerous levels of hydrogen fluoride when they contact with fire.

  Protecting Property
inertec55 fire suppressant is ideally suited to protecting property. Upon deployment, inertec55
  • Produces no condensation or temperature shocks that can cause harm to equipment.
  • Produces no harmful or decomposition by products upon contact with heat or fire.
  • Produces no residue to clean up, is colourless, odourless and electrically non-conductive.

That’s why inertec55 fire suppression systems are ideally suited for the protection of sensitive electronics and delicate irreplaceable assets.
Although the NFPA standards allows up to sixty seconds for inert gas discharge, the inertec55 fire suppression system actually extinguish fire faster than this.
With virtually the same density as air, the inertec55 fire suppressant spreads quickly throughout the protected area and holds its concentration longer to snuff out fires in their early stages. Most other Halon alternatives sink to the floor and seep under doors and wells.
inertec55 is also suitable for gas and liquid class B fires in addition to class A surface fires involving material such as wood, cloth and paper. However, it is not suitable for fires in substances that generates oxygen, like some reactive metals.

  Protecting The Environment
inertec55 fire suppressant is completely environment friendly. It is composed entirely of naturally occurring gases which exists in the air we breathe; nitrogen and argon.
In fact, the inertec55 gas mixture presents no negative environmental impact which means...

ZERO ozone depletion potential
ZERO global warming potential
ZERO atmospheric lifetime

When inertec55 fire suppressant is used, its components is simply returned to the surrounding atmosphere. And because mner 55 is not a synthetic chemical, it is not subject to potential future use restriction. In fact, you would have to ban air in order to ban inertec55.

Comparative table — inert and chemical gases:

Comparison Chart -



(100 years



Minimum design concerntration
25/42 bar
Carbon Dioxide
CO2 in design concerntration kills people
58bar at 20 degree Celcius
Because mfler 55 comprises of only Argon and Nitrogen, it achieves zero ODP and
GWP unlike other halon replacement agents which are HFC based and are classified as Greenhouse gases in the same category as C02 which contribute to Global warming.
  Design & Technical Data
inertec55 is stored compressed at 200 bars in 80 litre high pressure seamless steel DOT3AA rated cylinders. Actuation is by manual or automatic means and the suppressant is discharged through distribution pipe work and nozzles. Piping sizes and nozzle orifices are designed and calculated using proprietary and VdS approved computer software. Pressure reducing devices bring the cylinder pressures down from 200 bars to 60 bars at the manifold thereby discharging the agent gently into the protected area.

System & Operation

click to view the diagram
Fire Suppression System
inertec55 fire suppression systems protect enclosed areas where there is a need for quick reaction to fire, where people may be present, where fire may strike anytime or where damage from conventional agents cannot be tolerated.
Some examples of such areas are:
• Telecommunications Facilities
> Telephone Exchanges
> Communication Centres
> Central & Remote Cellular Sites
> Satellite Ground Stations
• Commercial & Institutional Facilities
> Bank Vaults & Document Storage
> Medical Diagnostic Facilities
> Art Galleries & Archives
> Museums & Libraries
> Aviation & Marine Applications
• Data Centres & Industrial Applications
> Computer Rooms
> Tape & Back Up Storage
> Server Room & Process Control Rooms
> Power Plants & Distribution, Electrical Switchgears & Battery Rooms
> Laboratories
> Medical Facilities
> Clean Rooms


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